Braces are Back // Overturn of ATF BS Rule

The firearms community is buzzing with news that a federal court has overturned the controversial ATF rule regarding pistol braces. This ruling has significant implications for gun owners and manufacturers alike. Let's dive into what this decision means, its background, and its impact on the Second Amendment landscape.

What Are Pistol Braces?

Pistol braces, also known as stabilizing braces, are devices attached to the rear of a pistol to provide additional stability when firing. Originally designed to help disabled veterans shoot with one hand, these braces have become popular among firearm enthusiasts who want to improve accuracy without turning a pistol into a short-barreled rifle (SBR), which requires a separate tax stamp and registration under the National Firearms Act (NFA).

The Controversial ATF Rule

In December 2020, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) proposed a rule that reclassified firearms equipped with certain pistol braces as short-barreled rifles. This reclassification meant that owners would need to register their firearms, pay a $200 tax stamp, and comply with additional regulations.

The proposed rule faced significant backlash from gun owners, manufacturers, and advocacy groups, who argued that it infringed on Second Amendment rights and created unnecessary burdens on law-abiding citizens. Critics also pointed out that the rule was ambiguous and left too much room for subjective interpretation.

The legal battle against the ATF rule was spearheaded by gun rights organizations and manufacturers who filed lawsuits challenging the rule's legality. They argued that the ATF had overstepped its regulatory authority by attempting to redefine what constitutes a short-barreled rifle without clear legislative backing.

In a landmark decision, the court ruled in favor of the plaintiffs, overturning the ATF rule. The judge's ruling emphasized that the ATF had acted arbitrarily and capriciously in its decision-making process and that the rule imposed undue burdens on the exercise of constitutional rights.

Implications of the Ruling

The overturning of the ATF rule on pistol braces has several key implications:

  1. Restoration of Rights: Gun owners can once again use pistol braces without fear of inadvertently turning their firearms into regulated SBRs. This ruling reinforces the rights of law-abiding citizens to customize their firearms within the existing legal framework.
  2. Regulatory Clarity: The decision provides much-needed clarity in the firearms industry. Manufacturers can continue producing pistol braces without navigating a complex web of regulations, fostering innovation and choice for consumers.
  3. Precedent for Future Cases: The ruling sets a precedent for future legal challenges against regulatory overreach. It underscores the importance of clear and consistent guidelines that respect constitutional rights while maintaining public safety.

What’s Next for Gun Owners?

While overturning the ATF rule is a victory for gun rights advocates, the battle may not be over. The ATF or other federal entities could appeal the decision, seeking a reversal in higher courts. Gun owners should stay informed about any developments in this ongoing legal saga.

Additionally, gun owners must remain vigilant about changes in state laws and regulations, as states may have their own rules regarding pistol braces and similar accessories.

How to Keep the Pressure On

There is no denying that the Biden DOJ will try and keep the pressure on during the remaining time of his presidency. A few stellar organizations have and continue to fight for gun rights of Americans. We support (and suggest you do too) the following organizations:

  1. Firearm Policy Coalition (
  2. Gun Owners of America (

The federal court's decision to overturn the ATF rule on pistol braces is a significant win for gun owners and the Second Amendment community. It highlights the importance of checks and balances in the regulatory process and reaffirms the rights of individuals to own and customize firearms without excessive government interference. As always, staying informed and engaged with the legal and political landscape is essential for responsible gun ownership.